Body - B-Pillar Rub/Squeak/Rattle Noises
66 Various noises in B pillar area
58 12 03
August 20, 2012.
Supersedes Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR Group 58 number 11 - 01 dated February 1, 2011 for reasons listed below.
Affected Vehicles
Various noises (squeak, rattle, rubbing, etc.) coming from the 'B' pillar area, particularly when driving over rough roads.
Technical Background
Noises may be caused by movement between the sealing lips of the doors and the 'B' pillar trim. See the illustration above.
Production Solution
Not applicable.
Apply Krytox lubricant (gel or spray) on the contact surfaces of the sealing lips of the doors where they contact the 'B' pillar trim. Allow the areas
where the lubricant is applied to air dry for 5 minutes.
Required Parts and Tools
Additional Information
All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service
manuals for the latest information.