Thursday, August 30, 2018

Level 5 vehicles at least a decade away


Regarding "Autonomous car boosters want to reprogram pedestrians,", Aug. 16: It seems that we have a big dilemma here. Auto executives and engineers do not understand the mathematical details of artificial intelligence, and tech industry execs and researchers do not understand the harsh realities of the auto industry. Add to this the complication that neither side understands the nature of human consciousness (and its interaction with digital AI systems), and we have a recipe for disaster.

Hence, Level 5 vehicles are at least a decade away and dependent upon next-gen "artificial general intelligence." AGI is a problem somewhat more complex than decoding the human genome, so we should not expect to find it on our roads anytime soon. Level 4 autonomy in geofenced areas makes great sense and is what we should focus on in the next few years.

As for machine learning researcher Andrew Ng's suggestion of training pedestrians, America is probably the LAST country in the world where this will happen.

ALAN MARTIN, Founder and director, IQZero, Bradenton, Fla. IQZero is a think tank focused on AI, future mobility and solutions beyond digital.

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