Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Technical Service Bulletin # M010203

Maintenance - Annual Low Mileage Oil Change Requirement

SI M01 02 03


April 2013


This Service Information bulletin supersedes SI M01 02 03 dated May 2003.

[NEW] Please read this Service Information bulletin in its entirety; the content has been completely updated.

[NEW] designates changes to this revision


MINI Maintenance Program: Annual Low-mileage Engine Oil Changes

Date: 1304012010 Mini Cooper (R56) L4-1.6L (N12)

Page 223



Produced approximately up to March 1, 2012


Some MINI vehicles accumulate very low mileage; as a result, the MINI Maintenance System will not call for an engine oil service after 12

months, either "Recommended or Due."

MINI USA recommends changing the engine oil after 12 months (365 days) on these low-mileage vehicles.


As announced in all MINI vehicles produced approximately as of March 1, 2012 have and will show the following option code in the

DCSnet "Option Information" section:


8KL Oil Change 10,000 miles/12 months

This change corresponds to Plant Integration Level R056-12-03-500 and higher.

The Annual Low-mileage Engine Oil Change does not apply to these "low-mileage" MINI vehicles, since the ISPLA Light application will

show the required engine oil service "Recommended" or "Due," either before or at 12 months.


When a low-mileage MINI vehicle (without option code 8KL) arrives at your dealer on the 366th day, either after:

^ The vehicle's original in-service date (posted in DCSnet); or

^ The date of the previous maintenance-related engine oil change or service; and

^ The next engine oil service is not displaying as either "Recommended" or "Due". See the paragraphs below for CBS and SIA

vehicles for more information.

Perform the annual low-mileage engine oil change. Do not reset the MINI Maintenance System. Resetting the MINI Maintenance System

(CBS/SIA) advances the service counter. The display will then not accurately show other required or connected maintenance service

items as "Due" when necessary.


Additional vehicle fluids top-ups cannot be claimed with this service; for example, washer fluid.

Recommended Period: Annual Low-mileage Engine Oil Changes

However, to promote customer satisfaction, MINI is opening up the parameters of the claim processing system to allow annual

low-mileage engine oil change claim submissions up to 30 days before the 366th day.

Claims starting on the 336th day will be accepted by the system.

If a customer is at your MINI dealer for any reason and requests an annual low-mileage engine oil change, this 30-day flexibility period

avoids inconveniencing him/her by requiring another visit to your dealer.

Condition Based Service (CBS)

If the engine oil service status correctly shows "Recommended" or "Due," perform the service and any required "connected" services, and

then reset the CBS data.

Service Interval Indicator (SIA)

When the forecasted remaining miles to the next "OIL SERVICE" or "INSPECTION" are 2,000 or less, perform the service and any

required "connected" services, and then reset the SIA data.


Only original replacement parts (Engine Oil Filter and Engine Oil) supplied by MINI USA are to be used and claimed.2010 Mini Cooper (R56) L4-1.6L (N12)

Page 224


The annual low-mileage engine oil change is covered under the terms of the MINI Maintenance Programs (Standard/Upgrade).

Labor operation code 00 00 252 is a Main labor operation.

A maximum of $10.00 in sublet is claimable, per service visit, for shop supplies required to perform this maintenance service. Only the

quantities of the subject materials actually consumed and documented on the repair order may be claimed.

This sublet charge must be explained (itemized) in detail on the repair order and in the comments section of the claim.

Vehicle fluid top-ups are excluded from shop supplies calculation and submission.