Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Y58/1 (Purge control valve) : Short circuit to ground / Switchover valve permanently open (P0445)

Y58/1 (Purge control valve) : Short circuit to ground / Switchover valve permanently open (P0445)
Possible cause:
­ Y58/1 (Purge control valve)
Affected functions:
Engine diagnosis
Test 1: Check component Y58/1 (Purge control valve).
1. Check component Y58/1 (Purge control valve).
Test 1.1: Actuate component Y58/1 (Purge control valve).
Test 1.2: Test current consumption of component Y58/1 (Purge control valve).
Test 1.3: Perform mechanical inspection of component Y58/1 (Purge control valve).
1.1. Actuate component Y58/1 (Purge control valve).
Test sequence
Switch on ignition.
Actuate component Y58/1 (Purge control valve).(Operate pushbutton F2.)
Page 8072010 Mercedes Benz E 63 AMG Sedan (212.077) V8­6.3L (156.985)
Copyright ? 2013, ALLDATA
Page 808
Warning!Communication with ECU required.
1.2. Test current consumption of component Y58/1 (Purge control valve).
Figure legend
­ A ­ConnectionTest cable 35­pin socket box
­ 001 ­Sockets of component N3/10 (ME­SFI [ME] control unit)
­ 05 ­35­pin socket box
­ 050 ­126­pin socket box
­ 108 ­Test cable 266 589 01 63 00
­ N3/10 (ME­SFI [ME] control unit)
­ II 1­63ConnectionTest cable
­ III 64­126ConnectionTest cable
Connection A of test cable 108 may NOT be connected to connection B of the 126­pin socket box (050).
Test prerequisite
­ Actuation is not OK.
Test sequence
Switch off ignition.
Connect socket box (126­pin) to component N3/10 (ME­SFI [ME] control unit).
Connect socket box (35­pin) to component N3/10 (ME­SFI [ME] control unit).
Measure direct current with multimeter between socket [F.4] 100 of the 126­pole socket box tester and socket [F.45] 15 of the
35­pole socket box tester.
­ Switch on ignition.
Specified value
­ Amperage[0.4...0.9] A
Question2010 Mercedes Benz E 63 AMG Sedan (212.077) V8­6.3L (156.985)
Copyright ? 2013, ALLDATA
Is the measurement value OK?
The measurement value is OK.Possible cause and remedy
­ Perform mechanical inspection of component Y58/1 (Purge control valve).
End of test
The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy
­ K40/4f44 (Fuse 44)
­ K40/4kM (Circuit 30z relay)
­ Line from component N3/10 (ME­SFI [ME] control unit) to component Y58/1 (Purge control valve)
­ Line from component K40/4 (Front passenger fuse and relay module) to component Y58/1 (Purge control valve)
­ Y58/1 (Purge control valve)
End of test
1.3. Perform mechanical inspection of component Y58/1 (Purge control valve).
Figure legend
­ 019Vacuum tester
­ a3­point distributor
­ bVacuum line to activated charcoal canister
­ Y58/1 (Purge control valve)
Test prerequisite
­ Actuation is OK.
Test sequence
­ Switch off ignition.
­ Connect the vacuum tester to the input of component Y58/1 (Purge control valve) with the 3 x distributor.
­ Operate engine at idling speed.
­ Engine at operating temperature
­ Actuate component Y58/1 (Purge control valve), then with key F2.
Specified value
Component Y58/1 (Purge control valve) should pulse.
The value should be > 5 mbar during actuation.The pointer of the vacuum tester swings.
Page 8092010 Mercedes Benz E 63 AMG Sedan (212.077) V8­6.3L (156.985)
Copyright ? 2013, ALLDATA
Page 810
Proceed to 'Actuation' with F2
Warning!Communication with ECU required.