Monday, August 31, 2020

******** 奥迪A4轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)技术服务公告#010911日 期:091019



01 09 11










请的审查的驱动的习惯。 客户们自觉或不自觉地驱动他们的左脚放在刹车踏板很容易













1. 试驾车用户重复的条件。

2. 在测试的驱动器,观察到客户的驾驶习惯,以确定如果客户驱动和/或制动用他/她的左脚。

3. 试验后的驱动与客户连接一个增值的诊断工具和检查任何存储Dtc的。







所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 1280

- A -ConnectionTest cable 35-pin socket box

- 001 -Sockets of component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit)

- 05 -35-pin socket box

- 050 -126-pin socket box

- 108 -Test cable 266 589 01 63 00

- N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit)

- II 1-63ConnectionTest cable

- III 64-126ConnectionTest cable



- Connection A of test cable 108 may NOT be connected to connection B of the 126-pin socket box (050).

Continue to test with button F2

Test voltage supply of circuit 15.

Test sequence

- Measure direct voltage with multimeter between sockets [ F.2 ] 98 and [ F.15 ] 111 of the 35-pole socket box tester.

- Switch on ignition.

Specified value

- Voltage[11.0...15.0] V


- Is the measurement value OK?


The measurement value is OK.End of test


The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy

マニュアルの最新情報です。 こTSBしに変更又は削除します。******** Audi A4クワトロワゴン(8K5)L4-2.0Lターボ(CAEB)技術サービス紀#600912日:091215



60 09 12












1. 完全にオープンサンルーフパネルです。2. チェックを行うと内部フレームシールによるイラストを上記に示します。

3. 防止のための半径にフレームシールからも再確実なシールの長さに提供するコーナー(図-2,B)です。



4. 正しい設置の内側にシールされます。

5ます。 を行う日除けモーターを適応として指定されElsaWeb>>Body>>体外装>>60サンルーフ>>ルーフなどの前衛芸術家、>>モータの適応



追加情報すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 869

- Resistor3.7 kohms:Temperature: [20锟斤拷 C]

- Resistor2.4 kohms:Temperature: [30锟斤拷 C]

- Resistor1.6 kohms:Temperature: [40锟斤拷 C]

Question:Is the actual value o.k.?


The actual value is okay.Possible cause and remedy

- Component B14 (Ambient temperature display temperature sensor) is defective.

End of test


The actual value is not o.k.Possible cause and remedy

- Check lines from B14 (Ambient temperature display temperature sensor) to N10/1 (Driver-side SAM control unit with fuse and relay module)

for Short circuit or open circuit.

- Component N10/1 (Driver-side SAM control unit with fuse and relay module) is defective.

******** Audi Q7Quattro(4LB)V6-3.0L DSLターボ(硬)技術的な診断-補 修#971123日:110331

照明-RH DRL Inopます。/DTC02746/007保存94右昼間走行光が稼動不能にホームモード(DTC02746/007)

97 11 23








^ただし、帰宅したモードでは、右側のLED昼間走行光が散発的に停止したままです。 昼間の走行灯、フォグランプの操作











を置き換えないでくださいは前照灯の懸念はこの結については、正しくないのです。 のJ519モジュールを更新することはできません、


1. 交換J519研究の一層の発展を目指して最新バージョンによっては、工場設備です。 参考としてくださいETKAを修正しています。

4F0 910 279AG:車両搭載電力調整可能なステアリングコラム(PRコード2C7)4F0 910 279AH:装備車の手動調整可能ステアリングコラム(PRコード2C5)

ヒント:場合に適応の昼間走行ランプの交換用モジュールのデフォルトの設定をOffにしてください。 この設定を変更するこができ、結果の静的






すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 1356


The measurement value is OK.Note

- In the event of stored faults with a high fault frequency count or in the event of customer complaints, check lines and connectors for loose

contact and corrosion..

End of test


The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy

- Lines to component N47-5 (ESP, SPS [PML] and BAS control unit)

- N10/1f47 (Fuse 47)

End of test Test of cable for voltage supply

Test prerequisite

- Battery voltage is OK.

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Connect socket box.

- Switch on ignition.

- Measure direct voltage with multimeter between ground and socket (2.14) 48 of the 126-pole socket box tester.

Specified value

- [11...14 V]


- Is the measurement value OK?


The measurement value is OK.Note

- In the event of stored faults with a high fault frequency count or in the event of customer complaints, check lines and connectors for loose

contact and corrosion..

End of test


The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy

- Lines to component N47-5 (ESP, SPS [PML] and BAS control unit)

- N10/1f47 (Fuse 47)

End of test Test procedure ground cable

Test prerequisite

- Battery voltage is OK.

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Connect socket box.

- WMeasure resistance with multimeter between 9 and (2.23) 57 of the 35-pole socket box tester.

Specified value

- [<1ohms]


- Is the measurement value OK?


The measurement value is OK.Note

- In the event of stored faults with a high fault frequency count or in the event of customer complaints, check lines and connectors for loose

Sunday, August 30, 2020

マニュアルの最新情報です。******** ウディTTSアトロロードスター (8J9)L4-2.0Lターボ(CDMA)技術的な診断-補修#911249日:120731



91 12 49








技術的背景一定の制限は現在の接続の際には、Bluetoothデバイスの車両です。 これらの制限によって異なり、車両システムです。




1. ることを確認お客様の携帯電話のBluetoothの互換性リストです。 また最新リリースます。

2. への適切な項に基づく車両機器です。

ヒント:一部の携帯電話の場合、接続が確立されているのに対し、あとで確認する必要のある受け入れを自動的に再ます。 このブラックベリーやAndroidデバイスです。


1. 検証BluetoothがonのBluetoothメニューから電話での車両です。

2. Bluetooth視認性の選択のBluetoothメニューには影響しペアリング機能の場合はペアリング開始から電話:




3. 中にペアリングピンが生成されまたはお申し込みいただいたユーザからです。 の電話、車両単に確認のピンのいずれかの装置



45/2010)、Bluetoothの接続が可能で運転中です。 このメソッドを使用す6桁の暗証番号表示される両方の車両や

携帯電話ます。 単に確認の二つのピンに接続します。4. すべて値をセットしていないの電話もない接続してください標準診断手続きます。


1. 検証BluetoothがonのBluetoothメニューから電話します。

2. ペアリング工程を完了することから、電話ではありませんのオプション検索のための携帯電話からのMMIます。

3. とMMI2Gの車両にしか見えないまで5km/hまで最大です。 5分後、点火を行うというものです。

4. と超高真空までの車両は常に可視化し、物流を進化させる車両の構築後のCW22/2008ます。 自動車用内蔵前で可視まで5km/hアップ。 5分後、点火を行うというものです。

5ます。 デフォルトのピンが1234ます。 にMMI2GのPINを変更することができBluetooth設定メニューです。 にRN-E自動車の下で電話を設定します。



6ます。 場合は、初期の接続が失敗した、超高真空まで、MMI2G車検証77-電話トランシーバーする適応チャンネルは133

1(Bluetooth対応)-チャンネル134は0(クレイドルが表示されます。 また、MMI2G装備車両を検証も07-

表示-制御ユニットが適応チャンネル12月2です。7. すべて値をセットしていないの電話もない接続してください標準診断手続きます。





変更または削除します。 必ず確認してくださいと


2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 960

Possible cause:

- M16/6 (Throttle valve actuator)

Affected functions:

- Engine output


Test 1: Check component M16/6 (Throttle valve actuator).

1. Check component M16/6 (Throttle valve actuator).

Test 1.1: Throttle valve jamming (iced up)

1.1. Throttle valve jamming (iced up)

Fault freeze frame data

Intake air temperature [锟斤拷C] ( Limit value : 1 锟斤拷C )

Test 1.1.1: Check component M16/6 (Throttle valve actuator) using actual value.

Test 1.1.2: Check internal resistance of component M16/6 (Throttle valve actuator).

Test 1.1.3: Perform mechanical inspection of component M16/6 (Throttle valve actuator).

1.1.1. Check component M16/6 (Throttle valve actuator) using actual value.

Warning!Communication with ECU required.

1.1.2. Check internal resistance of component M16/6 (Throttle valve actuator).

Figure legend

- A -ConnectionTest cable 35-pin socket box

- 001 -Sockets of component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit)

- 05 -35-pin socket box

- 050 -126-pin socket box

- 108 -Test cable 266 589 01 63 00

- N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit)

- II 1-63ConnectionTest cable

- III 64-126ConnectionTest cable


- Connection A of test cable 108 may NOT be connected to connection B of the 126-pin socket box (050).

Continue to test with button F2

******** Audi R8 Quattro Coupe (423) V10-5.2 L (BUJ) техническая диагностика и ремонт 281118 Дата: 111109

Электрический-Радио Поворачивает Включено - Выключено, Замки Само-Срабатывают

91 включение и выключение радио или срабатывание дверных замков во время движения

28 11 18


9 ноября 2011.Заменяет технический Бюллетень службы группы 28 № 11-17 от 15 июля 2011 по причинам, перечисленным ниже.


Пострадавшие Транспортные Средства


^ Радио поворачивает время от времени управляя

^ Часы в радио спорадически не работают

Замки двери ^ срабатывают пока управляющ

техническое образование

Спорадическое нарушение S-контакта должного к смазке на контактирующей поверхности.

производственное решение

S-контакт улучшен с доработанной смазкой которая имеет более лучшую электрическую проводимость и улучшенную выкостность. В добавлении, 100% микроскопическое

инспекция на месте.


Замените выключатель зажигания.


96Необходимые части и инструменты

Отдел запчастей поставляет только улучшенные выключатели зажигания.

дополнительная информация

Все части и сервисные ссылки, представленные в настоящем TSB, могут быть изменены и / или удалены. Всегда проверяйте с Вашими частями отделом и обслуживанием

инструкции для последней информации.

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 633


B6/6 (Left exhaust camshaft Hall sensor) : The alternation frequency of the signal value is implausible. (P0391)

Possible cause:

- B6/6 (Left exhaust camshaft Hall sensor)

Affected functions:

- Engine diagnosis

- Engine output


Test 1: Check component B6/6 (Left exhaust camshaft Hall sensor).

1. Check component B6/6 (Left exhaust camshaft Hall sensor).

Test 1.1: Check component B6/6 (Left exhaust camshaft Hall sensor) using actual value.

Test 1.2: Check power supply of component B6/6 (Left exhaust camshaft Hall sensor).

Test 1.3: Check assignment of signals from Hall sensors 'Camshafts' and 'Crankshaft'.

1.1. Check component B6/6 (Left exhaust camshaft Hall sensor) using actual value.

Warning!Communication with ECU required.

1.2. Check power supply of component B6/6 (Left exhaust camshaft Hall sensor).

Test prerequisite

- The actual value is not o.k.

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Detach coupling at component B6/6 (Left exhaust camshaft Hall sensor).

- [ B6/6 ]Measure direct voltage with multimeter between sockets 1 and 3[ B6/6 ]

******** Audi Q5 Quattro (8RB) V6-3.2L (CALB) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 571159 Date: 111021

Body - Outer Door Seals Are Loose/Detached

57 Outer door seals loose

57 11 59


October 21, 2011.

Supersedes Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR Group 57 number 11 - 57 dated September 7, 2011 for reasons listed below.

Affected vehicles



The outer door seals have become partially detached.

Technical Background

Loss of adhesion between the door structure and door seal due to a flaw in the attachment process in production.

Production Solution

Optimized production process.


In cases where the outer door seal has become partially detached, it may not be necessary to replace the outer door seal. Seals can be reattached

provided they are not damaged, have not been previously repaired or previously reattached and the detachment length does not exceed 10 cm.

1. Inspect all four doors.

^ All undamaged, previously unrepaired, or loose seals with a detachment length less than 10 cm will be repaired. Complete steps 2-9 below to

repair the door seals.

^ If the door seal is damaged, has been previously repaired, or previously reattached or detached greater than 10 cm, replace the door seal according

to the repair instructions in Elsa Web >> Body >> Body Exterior >> 57 Front Doors, Central Locking System >> Removal and Installation >>

Doors >> Door Seals.


In addition to the repair manual instructions for replacing the door seals observe the following: Thoroughly clean the area of seal attachment with

plastic cleaner D 009 401 04. Allow the area of seal attachment to dry completely (at least 5 minutes). Apply bonding agent D 355 205 A2 using a D

009 500 25 applicator to the seal attachment area. Allow to dry an additional 5 minutes.

If repairing the door seals, proceed as follows:

2. Ensure that the temperature of the door and outer door seal are not cooler than 70锟斤拷F (21锟斤拷C). This is vital to ensure optimum adhesion of the outer

door seal.

3. Thoroughly clean the bonding surfaces of the doors to be repaired with plastic cleaner D 009 401 04. Allow the bonding surfaces to dry

completely (at least 5 minutes). The bonding surfaces must be dry and free of any dust, grease, silicone or any other similar contaminant that might

compromise the adhesion.

4. Apply bonding agent D 355 205 A2 using a D 009 500 25 applicator in the area to be bonded. Allow the treated surface to dry an additional 5


5. Thinly coat the outer door seal with rubber profile adhesive D 477 KD1 A2 in the area that has become detached.


6. Press the door seal lightly to the door surface and then detach it again (Figure 2). This ensures that the glue is distributed as evenly as possible on

the surfaces to be bonded.

7. Allow the now detached area to dry for 5 minutes.

8. After this time attach the seal firmly to the door surface. Roll over this area several times with special tool 3356 (or equivalent).


9. Apply force to the seal with the 3356 only at the base of the seal (area 3 shown in Figure 4).

10. Remove any residual adhesive that may be visible with adhesive remover D 002 000 A2.

Tip: The repaired door should not be closed for two hours. During this time, any freshly glued surfaces should not be tested by pulling on the seal to

see if they have bonded.



All warranty claims submitted for payment must be in accordance with the Audi Warranty Policies and Procedures Manual. Claims are subject to

review or audit by Audi Warranty.

Required Parts and Tools

Additional Information


All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 3192 Wiring diagram of CAN bus


- WIS is not available on this system.

- It is not possible to display the requested WIS document [ PE0019P2200TA ].

- You can start WIS on another system and display the WIS document by entering the document number [ PE0019P2200TA ] in the 'Contents'

field. No further information available.

1.3.2. Measurements with multimeter on CAN network

Test Voltage supply of engine compartment CAN control modules

Test Resistance test of engine compartment CAN Voltage supply of engine compartment CAN control modules

Test Check power supply at control unit ME-SFI.

Test Check power supply at control unit ESP.

Test Check power supply at control unit ETC.

Test Check power supply at control unit ESM.

Test Check power supply at control unit EZS.

Test Check power supply at control unit A1 (Instrument cluster).

Test Check power supply at control unit N80 (Steering column module).

Test Check power supply at control unit N71 (Headlamp range adjustment control module).

Saturday, August 29, 2020

******** 奥迪A5敞篷车(8F7)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)技术诊断和修理#941296日 期:121101



94 12 96








技术背景在过去,白天行车灯的灯泡了一个维修的一部分。 在这个应用程序,导致条不可替代的,并且可能有关联

控制模块。 这TSB是用于维修信息。




1. 如果一个DTC列在J519关系到白天行车灯,按照各自的测试计划在继续进行这一公报。

2. 如果两个前DRLs是不起作用时,验证DRLs是通过车辆系统的选择:

^A3,TT,R8:白天行车灯是自动交换关于当前大灯的开关设置汽车。 如果灯的开关设置关闭,


该DRLs将关闭。 这种功能不能更改。




3. 如果一个或几个Led灯不亮起(图1),受影响的大灯,大会必须更换。 LED灯条不是

维修项目。提示:只有大灯,大会需要更换。 任何灯控制的模块可以重复使用。

4. 如果所有DRL Led在一个大灯,大会不起作用,通常有两个可能的原因:





A3、A5(2008-2012年),并TT车辆没有维修DRL控制单位,作为这些模块融入的前灯。 在这些车辆,在整个大灯,大会必须更换。


^如果问题不再存在,离开控制台上的目前安装侧面,并释放的车辆。 制造








所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务





2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 2824

Test The measurement value is not OK.

Test Possible cause and remedy

Test Test regulator and generator. The measurement value is not OK. No further information available. Possible cause and remedy No further information available. Test regulator and generator.

Note on alternator testDepending on the engine variant, different alternators are installed.

- Alternators without networking

- Alternators networked with engine control unit

Networked alternators can be diagnosed via the engine control unit.Detailed information on alternator testing can be found in WIS.Press button F2 to

go to WIS documents No further information available. Resistance test of engine compartment CAN

Test Test total resistance of engine compartment CAN.

Test Test terminating resistor of component X63/4 (CAN databus adapter connector, 2-pin).

Test Test terminating resistor of CAN element in control module N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit). Test total resistance of engine compartment CAN.

Test Perform measurement at component X63/4 (CAN databus adapter connector, 2-pin).

Test Perform measurement at component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit). Perform measurement at component X63/4 (CAN databus adapter connector, 2-pin).

Test total resistance of engine compartment CAN.

Figure legend

- X63/4 (CAN databus adapter connector, 2-pin)

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Measurement with multimeter

- (X63/4) 2.Measure resistance with multimeter between pins 2 and 2.1 (X63/4)

Adapter cable no. W220 589 00 99 36 may be used.Specified value

- [55...65]ohms


- Is the measured value within the specified value range?

******** Audi R8 Quattro Coupe (423) V10 De 5,2 L (BUJ)Techniques de DIAGNOSTIC ET de RÉPARATION 481230 Date: 120625

Volant - Volant Cuir Dommages

48 volant cuir dommages, tous les véhicules

48 12 30


Juin 25, 2012Remplace le Bulletin de Service Technique du Groupe de 48 numéro 11 - 18 en date du 7 décembre 2011 pour les raisons énumérées ci-dessous.


Véhicules Concernés


Volant endommagé.

De Formation Technique

Optique des dommages sur le volant (Figures 1 et 2) n'est pas sous garantie. De nombreuses enquêtes ont montré qu'il n'y a aucun défaut de matériau ou de

de fabrication. Le dommage est causé par l'impact externe, par exemple le contact avec les ongles, les fermetures à glissière, montres, bagues, etc.

La Solution De Production De

Non Applicable.


Non Applicable.


GarantieCe dommage est dû à une influence extérieure et n'est couvert par aucune garantie Audi.

Des Informations Supplémentaires

Toutes les pièces de service et les références fournies dans ce BST sont sujettes à modification et/ou suppression. Toujours vérifier auprès de votre Département des Pièces et service

manuels pour les informations les plus récentes.

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 7

- Is the measurement value OK?


The measurement value is OK.End of test


The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy

- N10/1f57 (Fuse 57)

- Lines

End of test Test current consumption of component N10/1kR (Circuit 87 relay, engine).

Connect socket box to component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit).

Figure legend

- A -ConnectionTest cable 35-pin socket box

- 001 -Sockets of component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit)

- 05 -35-pin socket box

- 050 -126-pin socket box

- 108 -Test cable 266 589 01 63 00

- N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit)

- II 1-63ConnectionTest cable

- III 64-126ConnectionTest cable



- Connection A of test cable 108 may NOT be connected to connection B of the 126-pin socket box (050).

Continue to test with button F2

******** Audi TT Quattro Roadster (8J9) L4-2.0 L Turbo (CCTA) Technische DIAGNOSE-UND REPARATUR # 901126 Datum: 110713

Instrumenten - Cluster-Beleuchtung Scheint Zu Flackern90 Beleuchtung der Bindestrich einfügen, flackert oder wird zu dunkel, wenn sich das Umgebungslicht ändert

90 11 26


Juli 13, 2011

Ersetzt Technical Service Bulletin-Gruppe 90 Anzahl 10 - 10 datiert vom 7. Juli 2010 für die nachfolgend aufgeführten Gründen.

Betroffene Fahrzeuge


^ In geringer Umgebungshelligkeit (z.B. bei der Fahrt durch einen tunnel oder im Nebel), die anzeigen im Kombiinstrument wird dim zu dunkel. Jedoch, die

Nadeln für alle Messgeräte, center-Bildschirm, Kilometerstand/trip und die Zeit/Datum beleuchtet bleiben. Beim fahren in Gebieten, die von wechselnden Lichtverhältnissen (z.B. Baum-gefüttert

Straße), ist dies auch beschrieben, wie ein flackern.^ Anfang 2010 Modelle dies geschieht nur, wenn der Scheinwerfer-Schalter in OFF-position.

^ Für 2009 und frühere Modelle dies geschieht nur, wenn der Scheinwerfer-Schalter in OFF-oder AUTO-Positionen.

^ Wenn die Scheinwerfer eingeschaltet sind, die anzeigen sind beleuchtet und die Helligkeit lässt sich über einen weiten Bereich einstellen mit dem Dimmen Rad.

Technischer Hintergrund

Dies ist ein design-Merkmal des Fahrzeugs. Hohe cluster-Beleuchtung in high ambient light sorgt für Spurweite Lesbarkeit. Low-cluster-Beleuchtung in lowambient Licht signalisiert dem Fahrer, dass die Scheinwerfer AUSGESCHALTET sind. Die Absicht dieses feature ist daran zu erinnern, die Treiber zum einschalten der Scheinwerfer, wenn

fahren im abnehmenden Tageslicht.

Die Beleuchtung wird gesteuert durch ein Foto-sensor. Auf der A3, TT und R8, der sensor installiert ist, im Tacho unterhalb der Skala Aufdruck top


Geschwindigkeit (kreisförmigen Fläche mit einem Durchmesser von etwa 5 mm). Auf der A8, der sensor ist mittig unter der Fahrer-Informations-system.

Produktion Lösung

Service1. Erklären Sie die design-Merkmal an den Kunden. Wenn der Kunde es vorzieht, befolgen Sie die nachfolgenden Schritte zu beleuchten, die lehren zu allen Zeiten.

Tipp: Nach der änderung den code in der Bindestrich einfügen, es kann nicht mehr festgestellt werden, ob das Fahrzeug Licht eingeschaltet ist. Bitte Fragen Sie den Kunden zu

schalten Sie das Fahrzeug ein Licht auf frühen in low-light-Bedingungen.

2. Prüfen Sie die Funktion der Foto-sensor durch abdecken mit der hand oder strahlendes Licht auf. Die Beleuchtung sollte etwas dunkler werden, wenn Sie decken und

heller, wenn Sie es ans Licht.3. Wenn der Foto-sensor funktioniert, das Kombiinstrument code kann geändert werden, um dauerhafte Nacht-Betrieb. Ändern Sie die Letzte Ziffer des Codes in das instrument

cluster (Adresse word 17) gemäß der folgenden Tabelle:


Diese TSB ist nur zu Informationszwecken und nicht für alle Audi-Garantie.

Weitere Informationen

Alle Teile und service-Verweise in dieser TSB unterliegen, zu ändern und/oder entfernen. Überprüfen Sie immer mit Ihrem Teile-und service-Abteilung

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 58

- Voltage[8,5...16,4] V


- Is the measurement value OK?


The measurement value is OK.Possible cause of fault

- The conductors in the electrohydraulic control unit are interrupted.

- Component Y3/8n4 (Fully integrated transmission control (VGS) control unit) is defective.

Possible remedy

- Replace component Y3/8 (Electric control unit (VGS)).

Following the repair measures, the following checks MUST be carried out using the Diagnosis Assistance System, menu 'Initial startup'

- Initial startup with manual settings input for new control unit

Friday, August 28, 2020

Handbücher für die neuesten Informationen.******** Audi TTS Quattro Coupe (8J3) L4-2.0 L Turbo (CDMA) Technische DIAGNOSE-UND REPARATUR # 911120 Datum: 111021

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 1571


The measurement value is OK.Note

- In the event of stored faults with a high fault frequency count or in the event of customer complaints, check lines and connectors for loose

contact and corrosion..

End of test


The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy

- Ground cable

- W15/1 (Ground (right footwell))

End of test Test voltage supply of circuit 87.

Test Test voltage of terminal 87 at control unit N51 (AIRmatic with ADS control module).

Test Test of cable for voltage supply

Test Test procedure ground cable Test voltage of terminal 87 at control unit N51 (AIRmatic with ADS control module).

Test prerequisite

- Battery voltage is OK.

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Connect socket box.

- Switch on ignition.

- Measure direct voltage with multimeter between sockets (2.21) 55 and (2.43) 77 of the 126-pole socket box tester.

Specified value

- [11...14 V]


- Is the measurement value OK?


The measurement value is OK.Note

- In the event of stored faults with a high fault frequency count or in the event of customer complaints, check lines and connectors for loose

contact and corrosion..

End of test


The actual value is not o.k.Note

- This test did not produce any clear result.

- Select further tests. Test of cable for voltage supply

Test prerequisite

- Battery voltage is OK.

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Connect socket box.

- Switch on ignition.

- Measure direct voltage with multimeter between ground and socket (2.43) 77 of the 126-pole socket box tester.

マニュアルの最新情報です。******** Audi A6セダン(4F2)V6-3.2L(カラ)技術的 な診断-補修#271215日:121023



27 12 15













の電圧レギュレーターのオルタネータ(図1)では散発的失敗の原因は、電気システムを体験も高い電圧です。 その結果、







1. これらのDTCsのみの設定時の制御ユニットは入力電圧より高い18Vのための期間を延長します。

^DTC00447(機能制限による過度の電圧上限を超え^DTC U140100(機能制限による過度の電圧)

^DTC P056300(システム電圧、高電圧)

2. 以上は一過電圧DTCは複数の車両の電子制御ユニットのその後の補修が本サービス


3. 場合にのみコントロールユニット車両を表示している過電圧DTCこの診断や修理が適用されない場合があります。

4. ていない場合DTCs存在する他の電子制御ユニットがお客様の苦情及び光の明滅やdim/明るい間欠的に、参考としてくださいTSB2021151,91ダッシュを挿入し、エアコン制御パネルや内部の光が点滅しのための追加情報です。


1. 入れ替えるだけで、電圧レギュレータ、オルタネータ組み立てます。 元のオルタネーターの機能を正常に新しいスタイル


します。 車種別のものと同じモデルの範囲のモデルは、異なるオルタネータから異なるベンダー、すなわちヴァレオは、ステンボス又は日立製作所に入社。 必ずご参照の上、実際の部分の車と相互参照でETKAる電圧レギュレーター


bます。 の電圧レギュレータに従ってElsaWeb修理マニュアルに示します。 修理マニュアルの電気システム-電気機器



1. 入れ替えるだけで、電圧レギュレータ、オルタネータ組み立てます。 元のオルタネーターの機能を正常に新しいスタイル電圧レギュレーターを装着します。

します。 車種別のものと同じモデルの範囲のモデルは、異なるオルタネータから異なるベンダー、すなわちヴァレオは、ステンボス

又は日立製作所に入社。 必ずご参照の上、実際の部分の車と相互参照でETKAる電圧レギュレーター


bます。 の電圧レギュレータに従ってElsaWeb修理マニュアルに示します。 修理マニュアルの電気システム-電気機器


総合情報-27電池、スターター、発電機、クルーズコントロール除去-設置-電圧レギュレータ2. 利用VSDを決定するソフトウェアのレベル19-ゲートウェイのデータバスコントロールユニット のソフトウェアのレベルが必要0213ます。 の場合はソフトウェア


します。 指示に従って行動しましょうを添付TSB2011732 00ソフトウェアのバージョン管理(SVM)、営業指示します。

bます。 更新のゲートウェイのデータバスボード診断インターフェイス(J533のSVMの行動コードとして、テーブルに表示されている以上が必要です。cます。 このSVMコードの救済措置その他の問題として登場した車両です。 お読みくださいTSB2030903は、90散発的故障時のMMI3G+苦情











変更または削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービスマニュアル最新情報です。












2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 15

- Test voltage supply of component N80 (Steering column module) by means of measured value.

End of test Test voltage supply of circuit 30 by means of measured value.

Manual check of supply voltage

Test prerequisite

- Fuse F34f33 (Fuse 33) in component F34 (Interior fuse box) is o.k.

- Actual value is not okay or there is a complaint.

Status of relevant actual value:

- Voltage at terminal 30:Warning! Communication with ECU required.

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Remove component Airbag.

- Please refer to WIS document AR91.60-P-0660.

- Remove component Multifunction steering wheel.

- Please refer to WIS document AR46.10-P-0100.

- Remove component A45 (Clock spring contact).

- Please refer to WIS document AR46.10-P-0200.

- This information can be shown using the help function (F6 button) in menu item 'Testing and repair work'.

- Measure direct voltage with multimeter between sockets [N80] 1.8 and [N80] 1.9

Specified value

- Voltage [11.0...14.5] V


- Is the measurement value OK?

******** Audi A6 Quattro Limousine (4F2) V6-3.0 L SC (CCAA) Technische DIAGNOSE-UND REPARATUR # 691116 Datum: 110316

Innen - /Lager - Air Bag-Abdeckung Reinigung Vorsichtsmaßnahmen

69 Innere Reinigung Produkte, die auf und rund um die airbag-Einheiten

69 11 16


2017717/3März 16, 2011.

Ersetzt Technische DIAGNOSE-UND REPARATUR-Gruppe 69 Anzahl 08-10 datiert vom 3. Dezember 2008 für die nachfolgend aufgeführten Gründen.



Bestimmte Auto-Pflege-Produkte enthalten Lösungsmittel, die, wenn verwendet, um sauber schneiden Zusammenhang mit airbag-Ausrüstung beschädigen können airbag-Abdeckungen und beeinflussen können

die Strategie für die Bereitstellung der airbag-Einheit.


Unsachgemäße Reinigung Lösungsmittel beeinträchtigen die strukturelle Integrität der airbag-Abdeckung.



SERVICEDer airbag bedeckt werden, müssen nur mit einem feuchten Tuch gereinigt oder Lösungsmittel-freie Auto-Pflege-Produkten. Zugelassene Reinigungs-Verfahren genannt werden, die in der

owners manual.


Diese TSB ist nur zu Informationszwecken und nicht für alle Audi-Garantie.


Alle Teile und service-Verweise in dieser TSB unterliegen, zu ändern und/oder entfernen. Überprüfen Sie immer mit Ihrem Teile-und service-Abteilung

Handbücher für die neuesten Informationen.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 906

- Switch on ignition.

Specified value

- Amperage[0.1...0.3] A


- Is the measurement value OK?


The test was okay.End of test


The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy

- Lines to component N10/1kR (Circuit 87 relay, engine)

- N10/1kR (Circuit 87 relay, engine)

End of test

1.5. Test voltage supply of circuit 15.

Connect socket box to component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit).

Figure legend

- A -ConnectionTest cable 35-pin socket box

- 001 -Sockets of component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit)

- 05 -35-pin socket box

- 050 -126-pin socket box

- 108 -Test cable 266 589 01 63 00

- N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit)

- II 1-63ConnectionTest cable

- III 64-126ConnectionTest cable



- Connection A of test cable 108 may NOT be connected to connection B of the 126-pin socket box (050).

Continue to test with button F2

Test voltage supply of circuit 15.

Test sequence

- Measure direct voltage with multimeter between sockets [ F.2 ] 98 and [ F.15 ] 111 of the 35-pole socket box tester.

******** Audi TTS Quattro Roadster (8J9) L4-2.0L Turbo (CDMA) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 011256 Date: 121029

Fuel System - MIL ON, DTC P2293,P2294/P0087 Stored

01 MIL on, DTC P2293, P2294 and/or P0087 stored in engine control module 2.0TFSI EA888

01 12 56


October 29, 2012.

Affected Vehicles


^ MIL on

^ Engine misfire

^ Poor performance.

Technical Background

Unnecessary High Pressure Fuel Pumps replacement due to Guided Fault Finding test plans not being performed or interrupted when the following

DTCs are present in the engine control module:

^ P2294 - Fuel Pressure Regulator 2 Control Circuit/Open

^ P2293 - Fuel Pressure Regulator 2 Performance

^ P0087 - Fuel Rail/System Pressure - Too Low

Production Solution

Does not apply.


1. Verify customer complaint.

2. Check vehicle systems via Guided Fault Finding.

3. Complete the GFF test plan for all DTCs stored in engine control module to determine the cause of the malfunction. (do not interrupt or skip

any test plans)

4. Only replace the high pressure fuel pump if Guided Fault Finding instructs to do so as a result of a Test Plan.


Before performing any diagnostic work ensure the Audi Base and Brand software level is current in the VAS Tester.


For payment processing, Guided Fault Finding logs must be documented identifying that the high pressure fuel pump is faulty. All claims are subject

for review.

This TSB is informational only.

Required Parts and Tools


VAS Tester with current Audi Base and Brand software installed.

Additional Information

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 3264


The test was okay.End of test


The test was not okay.Possible cause and remedy

- Test cable to component M3 (Fuel pump).

- Replace component M3 (Fuel pump).

End of test

2. No further information available.


The fuel pump is malfunctioning or has an open circuit.

Test 1: Check component Fuel pump.

Test 2: Possible cause:

- M3 (Fuel pump)

Affected functions:

- Engine diagnosis

- Fuel system

1. Check component Fuel pump.

Test 1.1: Check power consumption of component M3 (Fuel pump) using multimeter.

Test 1.2: Check internal resistance of component M3 (Fuel pump).

Test 1.3: Test the cables from component N118 (Fuel pump control module) to component M3 (Fuel pump) with the plug connection M3x1 (Fuel

pump connector) between the two.

1.1. Check power consumption of component M3 (Fuel pump) using multimeter.

Test prerequisite

- A fault has occurred during current measurement at component M3 (Fuel pump).

Test sequence

- Switch on ignition.

- Unplug 4-pin connector from control module N118 (Fuel pump control module).

- Bridge pin 2 in pin 4 at the unplugged connection of component N118 (Fuel pump control module).

- Measure current.

- Measure direct current with multimeter between sockets (N118) 1.1 and (N118) 1.3


- Socket (N118) 1.1 : Voltage supply of component N118 (Fuel pump control module): Positive

- Socket (N118) 1.2 : Voltage supply of component N118 (Fuel pump control module): Minus

- Socket (N118) 1.3 : Voltage supply to component M3 (Fuel pump): Positive

- Socket (N118) 1.4 : Voltage supply to component M3 (Fuel pump): Minus

Specified values

- Current: [10.0 ... 15.0] A


- Is the measurement value OK?

手册最新信息。******** 奥迪A6轿车(4F2)V6-3.2L(卡拉)技术诊断和修 理#641113日期:110519




64 11 13





当筹资窗口,捏保护干预而受阻。 这种症状,最常发生的时候一摸要素是用的






服务确定没有其它可能的原因捏保护的激活。 可能的原因可能是一个破碎或无错误的窗口

调节器、故障或肮脏的门窗口的指导,不适当地调整门,等等。 如果所有其他可能的原因已经被检查和/或补救这






所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 968

End of test

1.4. Check reference signal of component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor).

Test sequence

- Switch on ignition.

Status of relevant actual value:

- HFM-SFI ( Reference signal ):Warning! Communication with ECU required.

Specified value

- Reference signal[46...59] ms


- Is the measurement value OK?


The actual value is okay.End of test


The actual value is not o.k.Possible cause and remedy

- Check lines from component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit) to component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor).

- B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor)


B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor) : Loose contact with high frequency (P0104)

Possible cause:

- B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor)

Affected functions:

- Engine diagnosis

- Engine output


Test 1: Check component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor).

1. Check component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor).

Test 1.1: Check signal of component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor) via actual value with engine OFF.

Test 1.2: Check signal of component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor) via actual value with engine speed greater than 3500 rpm.

Test 1.3: Check reference signal of component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor).

Test 1.4: Check power supply of component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor).

1.1. Check signal of component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor) via actual value with engine OFF.

Warning!Communication with ECU required.

1.2. Check signal of component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor) via actual value with engine speed greater than 3500 rpm.

Warning!Communication with ECU required.

1.3. Check reference signal of component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor).

Test sequence

- Switch on ignition.

Status of relevant actual value:

- HFM-SFI ( Reference signal ):Warning! Communication with ECU required.

手册最新信息。******** 奥迪Q5Quattro(8RB)V6-3.2L(CALB)技术诊断和修 理#001011日期:100901



00 10 11






从2008年A5,ElsaWeb提供了机油提取的指示只有在该部维护过程>>机油和滤波器,更换。 一个特别工具,以提取动机油引进市场在2010年第四季度的。







^始终关注的脚注。 (见图1) 一些机油漏塞必须更换当删除。


总是扭矩油塞规定ElsaWeb的。 损坏的油盘线可能发生。





所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 2724


The measurement value is not OK.Figure legend 1:N71 (Headlamp range adjustment control module)Figure legend 2:N10/1 (Front SAM control

unit with fuse and relay module)Possible cause and remedy

- Cable (N10/1) 24.1 - (N71) 19 is faulty .

- Cable (N71) 20 - W16/3 (Ground (left of component compartment, power ground)) is faulty .

- N10/1 (Front SAM control unit with fuse and relay module)

******** Audi A6 Limousine (4F2) V6-3.2 L (CALA) Technische DIAGNOSE-UND REPARATUR # 871232 Datum: 120905

A/C - System Ist Nicht Betriebsfähig/Gebläsemotor Funktionen

87 Klimaanlage außer Betrieb

87 12 32


September 5, 2012.

Ersetzt Technische DIAGNOSE-UND REPARATUR-Gruppe 87 Nummer 12 - 29 vom Juli 23, 2012 für die nachfolgend aufgeführten Gründen.


Betroffene Fahrzeuge


^ Die Klimaanlage ist außer Funktion.^ Die HVAC-Gebläse funktioniert normal.

^ Batterie entladen; jedoch, wenn Sie aufgeladen ist, gibt es keinen bus mehr schweigen, wenn die Zündung des Fahrzeugs ausgeschaltet ist.

Technischer Hintergrund

^ Die A/C Druck - /Temperatur-Sensor G395 Leckagen Kältemittel. Dies bewirkt, dass der Sensor G395 zeigen eine falsche oder unplausible Wert beim Lesen

MVBs. Ein Falsches signal oder ein low-level-Kältemittel in das system verursachen kann der Kompressor der Klimaanlage zu deaktivieren.

^ Die LIN-Kabel anschließen J519 zentralelektrik Steuergerät Sensor G395 eingeklemmt oder geschnitten. Dies betrifft die A4/S4, A5/S5 Coupé undCabriolet und Audi Q5 Fahrzeuge. Die A6 und A8 sind nicht betroffen von dieser Art von Fehler.

^ Der Drucksensor G395/G65 sendet ein Falsches signal, das verhindert, dass der bus Stille und die Batterie entladen ist.

Tipp: Sensor G395 ist ein LIN-slave des Vehicle Electrical System Control-Modul J519. Vehicle Electrical System Control-Modul überträgt die J519

Informationen, die der sensor über die Komfort-Daten-bus zu Klima-Control-Modul J255.

Produktion Lösung

Eine verbesserte A/C Druck - /Temperatur-Sensor G395 eingeführt wurde, in der Serienproduktion und der Verdrahtung Herstellern Prozesse wurden optimiert.Service

Für A4/S4 (8K), A5/S5 Coupe/Cabriolet (8T/8F), Audi Q5, A6, A8:

Ob DTCs gespeichert sind, in die J255 Klima-Control-Modul für den Drucksensor G395, dann überprüfen Sie die system-Druck-und kältemittelmenge.

^ Wenn das system Druck-und kältemittelmenge gering sind, überprüfen Kühlmittel-Leckagen an G395. Wenn ein Leck gefunden wird, ersetzen Sie dann die G395.

^ Wenn der Druck im system und die kältemittelmenge korrekt sind, führen Sie die geführte Fehlersuche. Wenn eine unplausible Druck Wert findet sich in der MVB

1, Feld 4, dann ersetzen G395.

Tipp: Installieren Sie nur die verbesserte G395. Siehe Teilenummern in der Benötigten Teile und Werkzeuge.Nur für A4/S4 (8K), A5/S5 Coupe/Cabriolet (8T/8F) Audi Q5:


1. Überprüfen Sie für diese vier DTC-codes:

DTC-00457 (Vehicle Electrical System Control-Modul - J519 - Bitte überprüfen Sie DTC memory), Klima-Control-Modul J255, Adresse, 08.

DTC-00256 (A/C Druck - /Temperatur-Sensor -G395 - Falsch-Signal) in der Klima-Control-Modul J255, Adresse, 08.

DTC 01592 (Air Quality Sensor -G238 - Kein signal/Kommunikation)

DTC-00256 (A/C Druck - /Temperatur-Sensor -G395 - Kein signal/Kommunikation) im Fahrzeug Elektrische System Control-Modul J519, Adresse


Wenn DTCs a, b, d werden nur gespeichert, führen Sie die Schritte 2-6.Wenn alle DTCs (a, b, c, d) gespeichert sind, nur führen Sie Schritt 7.

Tipp: Die vorhandenen LIN-Kabel anschließen J519 Bordnetz-System Control-Modul auf den Drucksensor G395 könnte eingeklemmt werden oder

schneiden, wenn DTCs a, b, d gespeichert sind.

2. Überprüfen Sie die LIN-Kabel anschließen J519 zentralelektrik Steuergerät der Drucksensor G395 laut geführter Fehlersuche.

3. Überprüfen Sie die Draht-terminals in die Buchse an der G395 Druck-sensor für eine ordnungsgemäße Befestigung, Korrosion, und für alle pins werden kann

nach hinten verschoben oder verbreitert.4. Stellen Sie sicher, dass es die richtige Spannung gehen, um den sensor und stellen Sie sicher, dass der Boden nicht nur zeitweise geöffnet (wiggle-test).

5. Überprüfen Sie die Integrität der Kabelbaum.

Es gibt zwei bekannte Abschnitte in den Kabelbaum, die betroffen sein können, aber die potenziell betroffenen Bereiche sind nicht beschränkt auf diese zwei bekannten

Abschnitte. Einer der bekanntesten Abschnitte ist im Fahrer-Fußraum, wo der Kabelbaum tritt in den Innenraum des Auto aus dem Motorraum

(Abbildung 1).

Die zweite bekannte Abschnitt ist in dem Kabelbaum, der sich unter der Treiber Seite Scheinwerfer (Abbildung 2).

266. Wenn ein Schnitt Draht gefunden wird, installieren eine überlagerung der Draht für die LIN-bus-signal. Versuchen Sie nicht, reparieren Sie die vorhandene Kabelbaum.

ein. Route der neuen LIN-bus Kabel vom power-system-Steuergerät J519, um den Absender für Kältemitteldruck/ - Temperatur-G395 so, dass es

tritt in den Innenraum des Fahrzeugs über die Fahrer Seite Kotflügel/untere A-Säulen-Bereich durch die Tülle angegeben, in den Abbildungen 3 und 5.

Tipp: verlegen Sie den Draht durch die gleiche öffnung genutzt, die durch die bestehenden Kabelstrang.Tipp: Der LIN-bus zwischen J519 und G395 enthalten möglicherweise einen Verknüpfungspunkt gemeinsam mit anderen Modulen, je nach Fahrzeug. Stellen Sie sicher, um

pflegen der Kreuzung Punkte, wenn Sie ein routing-overlay.

Bei Fahrzeugen mit einem charisma-Schalter (Fahrt Auswahl-Schalter befindet sich auf der Instrumententafel) route das neue Kabel der sender für Kältemittel

Druck - / - Temperatur-G395 bis zur Kreuzung B549 wie angezeigt durch den roten Pfeil in Abbildung 4).


b. Verschließen Sie die öffnung um das Kabel herum mit Butyl-Dichtmasse, um zu verhindern, dass Wasser eindringen.

7. Ersetzen Sie den Absender für Kältemitteldruck/ - Temperatur-G395.

GarantieErforderliche Teile und Werkzeuge

Weitere Informationen

Alle Teile und service-Verweise in dieser TSB unterliegen, zu ändern und/oder entfernen. Überprüfen Sie immer mit Ihrem Teile-und service-Abteilung

Handbücher für die neuesten Informationen.

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 3080 No further information available. No further information available. Check power supply at control unit A1 (Instrument cluster). No further information available. Check power supply at control unit N80 (Steering column module).

Test Inspect control unit N80 (Steering column module) for undervoltage fault.

Test Test voltage supply of circuit 30 by means of actual value.

Test Test voltage supply of circuit 30 by means of measured value.

Test Check the CAN communication with control unit Engine control module.

Test Engine compartment CAN test Inspect control unit N80 (Steering column module) for undervoltage fault.

If the fault code is not current, it may be deleted. In this case, the battery voltage was too low over an extended period.Charge the battery, if

necessary.Question:Is the fault current in several control modules?Note:This fault could result in consequential faults. You should therefore process

this fault first and then erase the fault memory.


Possible cause and remedy

- Battery voltage too low.Test battery.Charge battery, replace if necessary.

- If fault occurs again:Check alternator.Communication with ECU required

- The quiescent current is too high.Test quiescent current.


Manual check of supply voltage

Test prerequisite

- Fuse F34f33 (Fuse 33) in component F34 (Interior fuse box) is o.k.

- Actual value is not okay or there is a complaint.

Status of relevant actual value:

- Voltage at terminal 30:Warning! Communication with ECU required.

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Remove component Airbag.

- Please refer to WIS document AR91.60-P-0660.

- Remove component Multifunction steering wheel.

- Please refer to WIS document AR46.10-P-0100.

- Remove component A45 (Clock spring contact).

- Please refer to WIS document AR46.10-P-0200.

- This information can be shown using the help function (F6 button) in menu item 'Testing and repair work'.

- Measure direct voltage with multimeter between sockets [N80] 1.8 and [N80] 1.9

Specified value

- Voltage [11.0...14.5] V


- Is the measurement value OK?

******** Audi A6 Sedan (4F2) V6-3.2L (CALA) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 001011 Date: 100901

Engine - Oil Service Procedure Changes

00 Revised procedure for oil service

00 10 11


September 1, 2010


When servicing the engine oil, these instructions must be followed in addition to the oil service procedure in the ElsaWeb Repair Manual.


Starting with the 2008 A5, ElsaWeb provides engine oil extraction instructions only in the section Maintenance Procedures >> Engine Oil and Filter,

Replacing. A special tool to extract engine oil will be introduced into the market in the fourth quarter of 2010.


Not applicable.


When performing an oil service by removing the oil drain plug, pay attention to the following information to prevent damage to the oil pan threads.

^ Always refer to ElsaWeb >> Engine Mechanical >> Lubrication >> Specifications for the proper fastener torque specification when installing the

engine oil drain plug.

^ Always pay attention to the footnotes. (See Figure 1.) Some engine oil drain plugs must be replaced when removed.



Always torque oil drain plug as specified in ElsaWeb. Damage to oil pan threads may occur.


This TSB is informational only and not applicable to any Audi warranty.

Repair or replacement of any part damaged by outside influence is excluded from reimbursement by Audi Warranty.


All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 1008


The actual value is okay.Further possible causes of fault

- Check internal resistance of component B2/5b1 (Intake air temperature sensor).


The actual value is not o.k.Possible cause and remedy

- Signal wire

End of test

1.2.3. Check internal resistance of component B2/5b1 (Intake air temperature sensor).

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Detach coupling at component B2/5 (Hot film mass air flow sensor).

- Measure resistance with multimeter between pins (B2/5) 2 and (B2/5) 3

Specified value

- Resistor(0锟斤拷 C): [5100...5900]ohms

- Resistor(5锟斤拷 C): [4100...4800]ohms

- Resistor(10锟斤拷 C): [3300...3900]ohms

- Resistor(15锟斤拷 C): [2700...3200]ohms

- Resistor(20锟斤拷 C): [2350...2500]ohms

- Resistor(25锟斤拷 C): [1900...2100]ohms

- Resistor(30锟斤拷 C): [1600...1700]ohms

- Resistor(35锟斤拷 C): [1300...1500]ohms

- Resistor(40锟斤拷 C): [1100...1200]ohms

- Resistor(45锟斤拷 C): [920...1100]ohms

- Resistor(50锟斤拷 C): [800...900]ohms


- Are the measurement values OK?

******** Audi A5 Cabriolet (8F7) L4-2.0L Turbo (CAEB) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 441002 Date: 100518

Wheels/Tires - Steering Wheel Vibration/Oscillation

44 Steering wheel shimmy, vibration and/or oscillation

44 10 02


May 18, 2010


Supersedes Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR Group 44 number 10-01 dated January 27, 2010 for reasons listed below.

Affected Vehicles


Complaints of steering wheel vibration and/or steering wheel oscillation while driving at highway speeds.

This condition does not result in any handling concerns or loss of vehicle control.

Technical Background

The above stated conditions may be caused by the following:

^ Imbalanced wheel and tire assembly.

^ Tires with high road force values.


Radial force variation

The radial force is the force with which a tire is compressed.


Tires have softer and stiffer areas along their circumference. In Figure 2, the softer and stiffer areas are illustrated by different size springs.

If this wheel rolls on level road with constant wheel load (Figure 2, arrow 1), the center of the wheel rises and falls by the amount (x) because of the

varying spring hardness. The change by the amount (x) can be felt in the vehicle as vibration or shaking of the steering wheel.

The change of the compression force of the tire is the radial force variation.

To measure the radial force variation, a constant force is applied to the tire on a vibration control unit (such as Hunter's VAS 6230 Road Force

Measurement(R) System vibration control unit [GSP9700] or similar), and the tire is operated. This simulates the pull out of the tire on the road

surface. The variation of the radial force is independent of the turning direction and is measured as the difference of maximum and minimal radial

force (peak-to-peak value, or Total Indicated Reading [T.I.R.]).

On Audi vehicles the peak-to-peak value (T.I.R.) must be 27 lbs. or less.

Harmonic vibrations

The wheel force variations during the turn of the wheel can be mathematically divided into individual harmonic vibrations.

For an objective assessment of the tire stiffness, the first harmonic (the basic vibration) is used.

The basic vibration or first harmonic is the share of the radial force variation that causes the strongest vibrations.

On Audi vehicles the first harmonic (road force) must be 18 lbs. or less.

Production Solution




Tire warranty facts when submitting tire claims through the Audi Tire Warranty Assistance Program (ATAP)

The Audi Tire Assistance Program is not an Audi of America, Inc. factory warranty. Audi of America, Inc. does not warranty tires originally

installed or sold as replacement for use on Audi vehicles. Individual tire manufacturers provide all the underlying tire warranties.

Dealer Tire

^ Tires are warranted through the specific tire manufacturer

^ Tire Coverage applicable per tire manufacturer guidelines

^ 0 to 6,000 miles 100% coverage at dealer net

^ 6,001 to 12,000 miles 50% coverage at current dealer net

What is eligible?

1. Tire tread depth must be no more than 2/32 of an inch (1.6). At 2/32 of an inch tread depth, the tire is considered worn to the limit.

2. A defect in material and workmanship is present.

3. Originally installed tires (original equipment tires) are on the vehicle for which they are designated.

4. Replacement tire(s) must be purchased through the Audi Tire Center.

5. The replacement tire(s) must have the same tire size, load rating, speed rating, and be the same tire model from the same tire manufacturer.

Ride disturbance

^ Ride disturbance cases include out-of-round, excessive vibration, and lateral/radial pull conditions

^ For most tire manufacturers, this condition is only covered if the tire has no more than 2/32-inch of wear from its maximum tread depth (1/32-inch

for Bridgestone and Toyo brand tires)

^ Ride disturbance claims are eligible only if they are not a result of:


^ Poor tire maintenance

^ Temporary flat spotting (goes away after vehicle is driven for approximately 20 miles)

^ Out of balance conditions caused by outside influence

For all ride disturbance claims, it is required that proper diagnosis is followed and documentation is retained (e.g., balance data, road force

measurement data)

What is not eligible?

Tire conditions, which are not eligible for the ATAP, include, but are not limited to:

1. Tires that have exceeded the time or mileage limits of the ATAP

2. Tire damage due to outside influence or road hazard (e.g., curb or pot hole damage), use of non-approved cleaning agents, or as a result of being

used in a racing/competitive event

3. Tire damage/wear due to improper or lack of tire rotation, and/or incorrect vehicle alignment

4. Tires worn due to misuse or failure of another component

5. Tires worn down to or below 2/32 of an inch (to wear bars)

6. Over-inflated or under-inflated tires

7. Flat spotted tires due to brake lock-up

8. Replacement tires not purchased through the Audi Tire Store

9. Tires not approved for specific Audi models (e.g., Audi-approved A4 tire on an Audi A5)

10. Tires that have been modified (shaved, for example)

11. Tires injected with sealants, dry or liquid balancers

12. Tires with the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) identification number removed or rendered illegible

Other reimbursement questions or concerns

For any additional reimbursement questions or concerns outside of the above instructions, please contact your Audi claims specialist team.

Required Parts and Tools


^ Use VAS 6230 Vibration Control Tire Balancer or similar Road Force Measurements(R) System to check balance, Road Force values, and to

make necessary adjustments.

^ Use centering hub in conjuction with VAS 6243 model-specific clamping plate (5 finger clamping device) or similar device to ensure proper

mounting of wheel and to prevent damage to wheels.


^ Vetronix MTS 4100 NVH Analyzer is helpful when diagnosing vibration concerns and can help[ narrow down the list of possible sources of the


Additional Information

More information can be found in the following resources:

^ ELSAWeb: Wheel and Tire Guide >> Diagnosing and Testing

^ SSP: Noise, Vibration. and harshness 961403

The following repair procedure(s) will be necessary to complete this procedure:

^ Chassis >> Wheel and Tire guide >> Diagnosis and testing

All parts and service references provided in the TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts department and service

manuals for the latest information.

Tire Data Sheet


Vibrations and steering wheel oscillation


7.4 service mode Setup and Features


Programmed Road Force(TM) Limits



For Service Advisor

It is critical to address all of the points listed in order to ensure that the conditions observed during the test drive are valid concerns.

1. Ask customer appropriate questions based on attached questionnaires. Enter all information and attach copies to Repair Order.

2. Check tire pressures, which must be set according to what is recommended in the Owner's Manual. (Use Bartec TPMS tool (BRT-DBL4) to check

current tire pressures. Record on Repair Order and questionnaire.)

3. Check wheels and tires for any damage.

4. Make sure that Audi-approved wheels and tires are installed. (See Owner's Manual.)

5. Always address any concerns with the customer prior to further diagnosis.

6. Test drive vehicle with customer to verify vibration complaint.

7. Continue with Technician test drive.

Technician test drive


1. Check tire pressures, which must be set according to what is recommended in the Owner's Manual. (Record on Repair Order and questionnaire.)

2. Check wheels and tires for any damage.

3. Check suspension and steering components for damage.

4. Make sure that Audi-approved wheels and tires are installed. (See Owner's Manual.)

5. Always address any concerns with the customer prior to further diagnosis.

6. Warm tires by driving the vehicle for at least 20 miles (32 km) over various speed ranges (including highway driving at speeds greater than 55

mph / 88 kph). Tires must be warm in order for the test drive to be effective since cold tires may produce a vibration due to temporary flat spotting.

(See Flat spots section below.)

7. If vibration no longer exists, advise customer of flat spotting.

Flat spots

After a stationary period of only a few hours, flat spots are created as the warm tire cools down. Depending on the type, size and make of the tire, flat

spots may appear more often. See information on flat spots in the Repair Manual under Suspension, Wheels, Steering >> Wheel and Tire Guide >>

44 Wheels, Tires, Wheel Alignment >> Diagnosis and Testing >> Wheel and Tire Vibration >> Tire Flat Spots from Standing.

Tip: Flat spots are normal and no replacement of tires is necessary.

1. Flat spots falsify the radial force variation and must be driven out before balancing the wheel. Complete a test drive of at least 20 miles (32km)

over various speed ranges (including highway driving at speeds greater than 55 mph / 88 kph).

2. Immediately after the test drive, raise vehicle to prevent temporary flat spotting and check road force and balance of each tire using VAS 6230(A)

Hunter vibration control unit (GSP9700) or similar. Remove and balance the wheels immediately following the test drive. On cooled-down tires, flat

spots may reappear.

3. If vibration exists, reduce the radial force variation.

Effects of increased radial forces on the vehicle

Measure and reduce the radial force variation

1. Optimize the radial forces on a VAS 6230(A) Hunter vibration control unit (GSP9700 Road Force Measurement(R)) or similar tool.

When tightening the wheel on the balancing machine, make sure the contact surfaces of flange and wheel are clean, the wheel is correctly centered,

and a suitable cone and clamping plate are used.


It is mandatory to use the five-finger clamping plate (VAS 6243 or similar) when mounting wheels to avoid damage of wheels and for proper


2. Set the tire pressure of every wheel to 2.5 bar (36 PSI).

3. Ensure the VAS 6230(A) or Hunter GSP9700 is set to proper road force limits as shown in the attached document GSP 9700 Operation


4. Ensure that the machine is properly anchored to the floor to prevent improper readings.

5. Measure, balance and if necessary match the wheel according to the instructions of the machine. Use the value for the first harmonic vibration (18

lbs. maximum).

Tip: Do not use "Quick Match" mode; this mode does not measure road force. Also turn off "Smart Weight" balance feature, which can cause

inaccurate readings.


6. Ensure that the wheel is centered and properly secured on the shaft of the balancer.

7. Follow all on-screen instructions to improve balance and reduce road force values (e.g. "Force Matching"). It is required to reduce road force to

the lowest possible value on all tires with a maximum value of 18 lbs.

8. Visually check the rim runout. If any runout is suspected, remove the tire and check radial and lateral runout values using VAS 6230 or Hunter

GSP9700 Tire Balancer.

Tip: Use adequate lubrication to ensure that tires are properly seated when they are installed on the wheel or are moved on a wheel to change

mounting position. Be aware that excessive lubricant can cause a tire to slip on the wheel, which will have an impact on the balance and road force

values. Please ensure that the road force values are printed out with the before and after values for each wheel and attach this documentation to the

Repair Order.

9. If the original tires are installed on the vehicle and it is not possible to reduce the road force below 18 lbs., replace the affected tire with another

tire of the same brand, size and load rating as the original.

Tip: A replacement is permitted only if the original tires are installed on the vehicle.

Tip: In case of high road force values in the replacement tire, it may be necessary to repeat steps 1 through 8.

10. Install the wheels according to instructions of the VAS 6230 according to the lowest vibration. The wheels/tire assembly with the lowest road

force values should be installed closest to the driver. Keep in mind that directional tires may not allow every tire to be installed in its ideal position

on the vehicle. See Repair Manual >> Running gear >> 44 wheels, tires, wheel alignment >> Installation of wheels/ tires/ tire pressure warning >>

Instructions on wheel change/installation.

^ Lowest road force value left front

^ Second lowest road force value right front

^ Third lowest road force value left rear

^ Highest road force value right rear

11. Test drive vehicle and verify repair.

12. If the vibrations or steering wheel vibrations persist, open an Audi Technical Assistance Center ticket. The ticket must include the following


^ The completed tire questionnaires.

Tip: If the questionnaires are not attached to the ticket prior to contacting an Audi TAC consultant, you will have to call back.


^ Exact speed range at which the vibration or steering wheel oscillation occurs.

^ List of all repairs performed prior to contacting the TAC.

^ List of all road force values and their position on the vehicle.

^ List of all lateral and radial rim runout values from VAS 6230 or Hunter GSP9700 Tire Balancer.

^ Tire brand, model and size (including speed and load ratings).

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

******** Audi A5カブリオレ(8F7)L4-2.0Lターボ(CAEB)技術的な診断-補 修#241011日:100325エンジン制御-気兼ねなく加速無DTCの


24 10 11
















1. 指示に従って行動しましょうを添付TSB2011732 00ソフトウェアのバージョン管理(SVM)、営業指示します。

2. 更新のエンジン制御を用いたモジュールのSVMの行動コードとして、テーブルに表示されている以上が必要です。





追加情報すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこTSBしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 2843


The measurement value is OK.Possible cause and remedy

- Inspect connector 1 at control unit N80 (Steering column module) for damage, correct connection, loose contact and corrosion and repair, if


End of test


The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy

- Plug connection at control unit N80 (Steering column module)

- Line between component N80 (Steering column module) and component W12 (Ground, center console)

- Line between component N80 (Steering column module) and component F34f33 (Fuse 33)

End of test Engine compartment CAN test No further information available. Check power supply at control unit N71 (Headlamp range adjustment control module).

If the fault code is not current, it may be deleted. In this case, the battery voltage was too low over an extended period.Charge the battery, if

necessary.Question:Is there a current undervoltage fault is several control modules?Note:This fault could result in consequential faults. You should

therefore process this fault first and then erase the fault memory.


Possible cause and remedy

- Battery voltage too low.Test battery.Charge battery, replace if necessary.

- If fault occurs again:Check alternator.Communication with ECU required

- The quiescent current is too high.Test quiescent current.


Figure legend 1:N71 (Headlamp range adjustment control module)Figure legend 2:N10/1 (Front SAM control unit with fuse and relay module)Test


- The relevant actual value is not okay.

- Battery voltage is OK.

- Fuse N10/1f51 (Fuse 51) is OK.

******** Audi A6 Quattro Sedan (4F2) V6-3.0 L SC (CCAA) техническая диагностика и ремонт # 911128 Дата: 111209

Система Навигации. - MMI Map Region/Language Retrofit

91-Регион карты MMI/Языковая Модернизация

91 11 28


9 декабря 2011.

Пострадавшие Транспортные Средства


Клиент спрашивает о retrofitting система MMI с пакетом языка или базой данных карты вне вариантов фабрики доступных.

техническое образованиеСистемы навигации оборудованные в США корабли спецификаций приходят поджатый от фабрики с:

^ Навигационные карты для США / Канады.

^ Английский (США), испанский (Мексиканский) и французский (канадский) системные языки.

Не возможно изменить языковой пакет или базу данных карты на что-то за пределами того, что доступно на транспортном средстве с завода для

следующие соображения:

Разницы в программного и аппаратного обеспечения ^ между спецификацией США и модулями спецификаций остатка мира (строки) могут создать вопросы связи в корабле.

^ Установка базы данных навигации строк или языкового пакета на модуль спецификации США невозможна.^ Система SVM не будет кодировать или параметризовать модули замены правильно, и запретит необходимые коды SVM быть побежанным в


производственное решение



Сообщите клиенту, что техническое переоснащение системы MMI с другим языковым пакетом или картографической базой данных технически невозможно и не поддерживается.


Этот TSB является только информационным и не применяется к любой гарантии Audi.

дополнительная информация


Все части и сервисные ссылки, представленные в настоящем TSB, могут быть изменены и / или удалены. Всегда проверяйте с Вашими частями отделом и обслуживаниеминструкции для последней информации.

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 1357

contact and corrosion..

End of test


The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy

- Ground cable

- W9 (Ground (at front left headlamp unit))

End of test

Part 2

The CAN signal from circuit 15 does not match the signal via the hardware line. ( Signal via CAN = 0 ) Check power supply at control unit N51 (AIRmatic with ADS control module).

Test Test voltage supply of circuit 30.

Test Test voltage supply of circuit 87. Test voltage supply of circuit 30.

Test Test voltage of terminal 30 at control unit N51 (AIRmatic with ADS control module).

Test Test of cable for voltage supply

Test Test procedure ground cable Test voltage of terminal 30 at control unit N51 (AIRmatic with ADS control module).

Test prerequisite

- Battery voltage is OK.

Status of the relevant actual values:

- Terminal 30:Warning! Communication with ECU required.

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Connect socket box.

- Switch on ignition.

- Measure direct voltage with multimeter between sockets (2.21) 55 and (2.47) 81 of the 126-pole socket box tester.

Specified value

- [11...14 V]


- Is the measurement value OK?


The measurement value is OK.Note

- In the event of stored faults with a high fault frequency count or in the event of customer complaints, check lines and connectors for loose

contact and corrosion..

End of test


The actual value is not o.k.Note

- This test did not produce any clear result.

- Select further tests. Test of cable for voltage supply

Test prerequisite

- Battery voltage is OK.

情報です。******** Audi A4アトロセダン(8K2)L4-2.0Lターボ(CAEB)技術サービ ス紀#600911日:091106


60 09 11








この要求を更新(RVU)が有効で30,2012年. その後、これまでのとこRVUの有効期限となります。






Audi A4アトロセダン(8K2)L4-2.0Lターボ(CAEB)のページ486




の現在の風ディフレクター風ディフレクター8D9 877 651A.見修理の指示にElsaWeb>>Body>>60サンルーフ>>除去


Audi A4アトロセダン(8K2)L4-2.0Lターボ(CAEB)のページ487



Audi A4アトロセダン(8K2)L4-2.0Lターボ(CAEB)のページ488


^だくご割り当ての部品が必要部品を自動車の影響を受けてRVUが上になってい上順制限、提出してください請求のための追加パーツをメールにて差し上げます。 必ず、影響を受けVINsと。 事前に提出

請求めるそれぞれの車両の60A6コードの開ElsaWebます。 ご注文の見直しおよび加工処理されます。


すべての部品およびサービスを参照のこRVUしに変更又は削除します。 必ず確認してくださいお部品部門、サービス

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 1822


Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Separate plug connection at transmission.

- Measure voltage in transmission wiring harness using a multimeter.

- Measure resistance with multimeter between ground and 3

Specified value

- Resistance measured: [OL] ohms


- Is the measurement value OK?

Monday, August 24, 2020

******** 奥迪A4轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)技术服务公告#441006日 期:100630活动44H9-监测系软件的更新


44 10 06


六月30 2010年







这种车辆所需的更新(RVU)是在生效,直到月10日至2013年。 在该日期之后,这RVU将过期和不再有效。车辆必须满足以下标准:











1. 按照所有说明的附TSB2011732 00软件版本管理(SVM),操作指令。


2. 更新的监测系或ESP/ABS控制单元使用的SVM行动代码表中所列述,如果有必要的。3. 同时该软件更新、调整轮胎的压力,在每一轮胎厂建议的轮胎气压设置。


4. 与关键和/或引擎运行,在该接口,选择的车>>轮胎的压力监测>>商店现在>>确认。




所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个RVU的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务










2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 1481


The measurement value is OK.End of test


The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy

- Line from component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit) to component X30/5 (Left voltage distributor (CAN) connector)

- Test terminating resistor of component X30/5 (Left voltage distributor (CAN) connector).

- Test terminating resistor of CAN element in control module N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit).

End of test Perform measurement at component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit).

Test total resistance of the CAN engine.

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Connect socket box to component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit).

- Measure resistance with multimeter between sockets (F.41) 11 and (F.54) 24 of the 35-pole socket box tester.

Specified value

- Resistor[55...65]ohms


- Is the measurement value OK?


The measurement value is OK.End of test


The measurement value is not OK.Possible cause and remedy

- Line from component N3/10 (ME-SFI [ME] control unit) to component X30/5 (Left voltage distributor (CAN) connector)

******** 奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)技术服务公告#961237日 期:120611



96 37 12




奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)Page131










^的客户可能会误解的编程的过程。 特别是,如果客户链家(R)系统使用一个备用的代码。







1. 请客户参观www.homelink.com中。

奥迪A4Quattro轿车(8K2)L4-2.0L Turbo(CAEB)132页

^的客户的可以核实的链家(R)系统兼容的车辆的车库门开启通过接触Johnson Controls


2. 要求客户更换电池在他们手持式发射器或以使用另一个手持式发射器。

3. 如果链家(R)系统使用一个备用的代码,要求客户复和重新同步的链家(R)系统。 这将允许

接收器发射器有限的记忆中,这可能是完整的,可以删除。 信息可以发现,在所有者手册的客户

链家(R)系统。4. 要求客户按住按钮或按经常在方案拟订程序。 一些手持式发射机停止


5. 如果车辆是一个A4型,2005年-2006年或A3模型2009年:J530是安装在左侧前面而不是在右侧面前

所描述的所有者手册》。 通知客户的正确位置的车库门开启控制模块。




^2029384 96车库门开启间歇性失去的编程

^2026599 96车库门开启不可编程的链家-A8(D4)、A7、A6

所有零件和服务提供参考文献在这个TSB的情况下更改和/或清除。 总检查你的部门和服务

2010 Mercedes Benz C 300 (204.054) V6-3.0L (272.947) Page 1704

- If fault occurs again:Check alternator.Communication with ECU required

- The quiescent current is too high.Test quiescent current.


Figure legend 1:N71 (Headlamp range adjustment control module)Figure legend 2:N10/1 (Driver-side SAM control unit with fuse and relay

module)Test prerequisite

- The relevant actual value is not okay.

- Battery voltage is OK.

- Fuse N10/1f52 (Fuse 52) is OK.

Test sequence

- Switch off ignition.

- Disconnect connector at component N71 (Headlamp range adjustment control module).

- Measure direct voltage with multimeter between sockets (N71) 20 and (N71) 19

- Switch on ignition.

Specified value:Voltage = [11.0...14.5] VQuestion

- Is the measurement value OK?

******** Audi S4 Quattro Sedan (8K2) V6-3.0L SC (CCBA) Technical DIAGNOSIS AND REPAIR # 441336 Date: 130218

Wheels/Tires - Steering Wheel Shimmy/Vibration

44 Steering wheel shimmy, vibration and/or oscillation

44 13 36


February 18, 2013.

Supersedes Technical Service Bulletin Group 44 number 13-35 dated January 18, 2013 for reasons listed below.

Vehicle Information



Customer feels vibration from 55 - 80 mph (88 - 128 km/h) in the seat, vehicle floor, footwell, pedals, or steering wheel. This condition does not

result in any handling concerns or loss of vehicle control.

Complaints may occur in one or both of the following circumstances:

^ When driving at highway speeds from 55 - 80 mph (88 - 128 km/h).

^ When applying low brake pedal pressure with minor slow down.

Technical Background

Explanations and definitions:

Radial force variation (RFV)

The radial force or wheel load is the force with which a tire is compressed (Figure 1, 1).

Tires have softer and stiffer areas along their circumference, which is illustrated using springs (Figure 1, A and B).

Figure 1 shows the same tire at different points of rotation (A and B), as it rolls on level road with constant load (radial force).

If this wheel rolls, with constant wheel load / radial force (Figure 1, arrow) the center of the wheel rises and falls on level road because of the

different spring hardness of the tire by the amount x. The change by the amount x can be felt in the vehicle as vibration or shaking of the steering

wheel. The change of the compression force of the tire is the RFV.

To measure RFV a constant force is applied to a rotating tire using a VAS 6230 / Hunter GSP9700 Road Force Measurement(R) System. This

stimulates the force on the tire from the road surface. The fluctuation of the radial force is independent of the turning direction and is measured as

the difference of maximum and minimal radial force (peak to peak value).

On Audi vehicles the peak to peak value must be 271bs (120N) or less.

First Harmonic

The wheel force fluctuations during the turn of the wheel can be mathematically divided into individual harmonic vibrations. For an objective


assessment of the tire stiffness the first harmonic (the basic vibration) is used. The first harmonic is the share of the radial force fluctuation which

causes the strongest vibrations.

On Audi vehicles the first harmonic must be 18 lbs. (80N) or less.

Production Solution

Not applicable.


A structured procedure is critical.

For all repairs, follow the procedure described below. In the case of a repeat repair with original equipment tires with AO marking on the sidewall,

complete these steps in addition to the procedure described below:

1. Open an Audi Technical Assistance Center ticket.

2. Ensure that the road force values are printed with the before and after values for each wheel and attached to the repair order.



3. Complete the Vibration Questionnaire.doc and attach to the TACS ticket.


1. Eliminate flat spots

Flat spots are created after the warm tire has cooled down after a stationary period of only a few hours. Flat spots will vary based on the type,

size, and make of the tire. Flat spots falsify the radial force fluctuation and must be driven out before checking balance or road force. A test drive

of at least 12 miles (20 km) at various speed ranges (up to 62 mph /100 km/h) is necessary.

Raise the vehicle on a lift/hoist immediately after the test drive then check balance and road force immediately since flat spots may reappear as

the tires cool down.

See information on flat spots in the Repair Manual under Suspension, Wheels, Steering?Wheel and Tire Guide > 44 Wheels, Tires, Wheel

Alignment > Diagnosis and Testing > Wheel and Tire Vibration > Tire Flat Spots from Standing.

Tip: Flat spots are not a sign of a defect and therefore are not a warrantable condition.

2. Measure and reduce the radial force variation

Before starting work, ensure that flat spots have been eliminated.


Effects of increased radial forces on the vehicle:

Mounting wheels on the balancer

When tightening the wheel on the balancing machine, make sure the contact surfaces of flange and wheel are clean.

It is mandatory to use the appropriate cantering cone and a five-finger style clamping plate (Figure 2, A) (VAS 6243 or similar) when mounting

wheel on the balancer.

Five-finger style clamp centers the wheel on the balancer the same way the wheel is centered on the vehicle.

It also prevents damaging the wheel by not contacting the face of the wheel (Figure 2, B).

Tip: Do not use Quick Match" mode; this mode does not measure road force. Also turn off Smart Weight" balance feature, which can cause

inaccurate readings.

Tip: Use adequate lubrication to ensure that tires are properly seated when they are installed on the wheel or are moved on a wheel to change

mounting position. Be aware that excessive lubricant can cause a tire to slip on the wheel, which will have an impact on the balance and road

force values.

Optimizing the radial forces using the VAS 6230 / Hunter GSP9700 Road Force Measurement(R) System

1. Set the tire pressure of every wheel to 36 PSI (2.5 bar).

2. Measure, balance, and, if necessary, match the wheel according to the instructions of the machine. Use 18lbs (80N) or less for the first harmonic

vibration as the maximum.

Tip: The tire that is the source of vibration should be replaced if the first harmonic of the radial force cannot be reduced to 18lbs (80N) or below.

This only applies to tires originally installed at the factory.

3. Reinstalling the wheel and tire assemblies

1. Install the wheels according to VAS 6230 instructions for lowest vibration. The wheel/tire assembly with the lowest road force values should

be installed closest to the driver.


^ Lowest road force value - left front

^ Second lowest road force value - right front

^ Third lowest road force value - left rear

^ Highest road force value - right rear

2. Reinstall the wheels according to the instructions in Repair Manual> Running gear > 44 wheels, tires, wheel alignment > Installation of

wheels/tires/tire pressure warning > Instructions on wheel change/installation.

3. Adjust tire pressures according to the pressures listed in the owner's manual.

4. Drive the vehicle in the speed range where complaints occurred to verify repairs.

Tip: If vibrations persist, open an Audi Technical Assistance Center ticket and include completed questionnaires.


All warranty claims submitted for payment must be in accordance with the Audi Warranty Policies and Procedures Manual. Claims are subject to

review or audit by Audi Warranty.

The Audi Tire Assistance Program is not an Audi of America, Inc. factory warranty. Audi of America, Inc. does not warranty tires originally

installed or sold as replacement for use on Audi vehicles. Individual tire manufacturers provide all the underlying tire warranties.

Please refer to Audi Tire Center website for warranty coverage and claim submission details.

Required Parts and Tools


^ Use VAS 6230 / Hunter GSP9700 Road Force Measurement(R) System to check balance, Road Force values, and to make necessary


^ Use centering hub in conjunction with VAS 6243 model-specific clamping plate (5 finger clamping device) or similar device to ensure proper

mounting of wheel and to prevent damage to wheels.

^ Vetronix MTS 4100 NVH Analyzer is helpful when diagnosing vibration concerns and can help narrow down the list of possible sources of the



Additional Information

More information can be found in the following resources:

^ ElsaWeb: Wheel and Tire Guide > Diagnosis and Testing

^ SSP: Noise, Vibration, and Harshness 961403

The following repair procedure(s) will be necessary to complete this procedure:

^ Chassis > Wheel and Tire Guide > Diagnosis and Testing

All parts and service references provided in this TSB are subject to change and/or removal. Always check with your Parts Department and service

manuals for the latest information.


7.4 Service Mode Setup and Features